Statistics on green energy


Prior to the 2020 Presidential election, Biden repeatedly said that he would kill fossil fuels in the United States, which includes gas, oil and coal and which victimizes most Americans. With rising gas prices, everything transported to our stores becomes more expensive.

Credit card debt and crime is rising, people can’t afford homes and taxpayers are footing the bill for 20 million illegals---many of whom will vote in the 2024 elections! Mandating 50% electric vehicles by 2030 with $75000 cars, charging stations (copper being stolen from cables, so are useless) but needed daily and expensive electricity as opposed to gas will be unaffordable except for wealthy. Wind turbines have been unreliable and when placed in our oceans are killing off the whale and porpoise population.

Hillsdale College said to lower the temperature from 7.4 degrees to 3.9 would cost around $390 “trillion dollars”. 

With a debt of 35 trillion dollars now and Joe spending billions on Ukraine’s war, going against the Supreme Ct. to forgive 100’s of billions of student loan debt for votes and hiring college students at taxpayer expense to register Democrats, the debt is out of control.

Then, Biden has asked dictators around the world to increase their production of oil, released Trump’s sanctions on Iranian oil, making them hundreds of billions of dollars.

Iran is using that to manufacture weapons against our ally, Israel. How many wars do you want Joe, as Putin just allied with North Korea that has nuclear weapons and also has a relationship with China?

And, don’t forget you gave China territory where they created an island of weapons that threatens Taiwan, who produces 90% of the world’s high-end chips used in vehicles, computers, appliances, plus $239.4 million worth of arms, ammunitions, metals, tools, plastics and rubber! Taiwan sends exports to China, Japan, Singapore, S. Korea and Germany. Is Biden’s goal the complete destruction of America?

Does he realize that the earth revolves and our air does not remain over America?

Gordon Hansen of Harvard said the green energy transition would profoundly disrupt whole communities, cause unemployment to increase, earnings to fall for decades. Communities would have more people in poverty, higher alcohol and drug addiction with increase mortalities.

No matter what the U.S. does, global emission will increase while China, India and Indonesia create coal fire plants weekly. With Democratic Senators and Representative pushing this costly narrative on Americans, it shows they don’t care about common people, they only care about control over them! November 5 elections will be the most important if we are to preserve our country, our freedoms, yes “our democracy”, close the borders, arrest the criminals, rapists and fund our police, firemen, EMT’s and military!

Charlotte Schnieders   

Jefferson City