Amendment 3 — a real deceiver


I usually do not comment on amendments, but when I saw this one I felt I needed to speak up. It contains the most deceptive language I have ever seen.

Broad and deceptive language was used to craft Amendment No. 3 as well as the language you will see when you go to vote. Reading them you would never know it does the following list:

• Eliminates parental consent in Missouri;

• Late term abortions would be legal in Missouri;

• Current Missouri pro-life laws would be subject to elimination;

• Health and Safety standards eliminated in Missouri;

• Women would lose the ability to sue for medical malpractice in Missouri; and,

• As a Missouri taxpayer you would be funding abortions and the State Legislature could not deny the funding.

This is only a partial list. Both the amendment and the language you will see when you go to vote never refer to the unborn child as a human being and even eliminates the requirement for ultrasound videos of the unborn child. Apparently they do not want the mom seeing the unborn child.

This broad and deceptive amendment should be voted down.

Vote no on Amendment No. 3.

Jim and Terry Froelker,

Gerald, Mo.