Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,

Why would any intelligent, hard-working American who desires to have freedoms outlined in our Constitution, spent their lives to support their family, saved for their retirement, lived by the commandments and rule of law, want to give it all away? Frankly, it is because you are unaware of policies the present corrupt administration has put forth that could drastically change your life’s!

The tragic Helene disaster brought attention and revealed that the $1.4 billion taxpayer dollars designated to help victims of disasters, had totally been used by Kamala to build illegal migrants homes---not one penny left for Americans. Biden and Harris didn’t care and didn’t show up for a whole week. Trump showed up Monday with emergency food supplies. When he heard they desperately needed communication, he called his friend, Elon Musk, who immediately transported Starlink devices to the area. That is what caring people do!

Now, Kamala wants Congress to appropriate more taxpayer money to replace the money she stole from FEMA! Congress really doesn’t have a choice. Any humanitarian realizes these people have been through hell and need all the help they can get, as there’s still 100’s missing and 227 confirmed deaths. Just think what $1.4 billion dollars would do to help get these communities back on their feet. The question may be, if Congress does appropriate the money, will this corrupt government use it for the intended cause?

Too many people believe Democrat lies and will pay dearly! Do they know of Biden’s executive orders #14067 and #14024 to COLLAPSE THE DOLLAR for a programmable, traceable digital currency that the government fully controls. Meaning, they can confiscate your bank accounts. To make this happen faster, Biden asked BRICS countries to DITCH THE US DOLLARS THEY HAD!  BRICS countries hold about $9 trillion US dollars, which could greatly lead to Biden/Harris’ goal!

Harris recently gave 3.2 million migrants citizenship so they could vote in November. They blame Republicans for not passing a border bill, but the devil was in the details, as Biden could declare asylum (a fast track to citizenship) to all that crossed! Now, citizenship is being handed out like candy, migrants don’t speak the language or know the politics, but with the Biden/Harris free t-shirts, I-phones, free homes, healthcare, education, food, child/family assistance, SS#’s, driver’s licenses & transportation to voting places, what else do they need?

Criminals don’t fear committing crimes, as there’s no punishment! Trump says he will deport them, which is desperately

needed if we are going to feel safe, have successful businesses and not drain the American taxpayers of every penny they earned. WAKE-UP while we still may be able to save this country!

Charlotte Schnieders      

Jefferson City