Americans need a president that loves


The radical left likes to distort Trump’s comments and policies to hurt his chances of reelection. Contrary to that, the accolades given to Kamala, one would surmise that she could “walk on water”! But the 2020 Democrat debates paint a different story. She opined to Biden, that she was a 2nd grade girl on a segregated school bus. A teacher in that school, revealed that was a lie---the school was not segregated. Kamala was the 1st to drop out and Joe the 2nd due to dismal performances! Biden won due to the multiple ways Dems cheat and he selected Kamala on DEI basis.

They opened the borders, defunded the police, killed fracking and oil production, gave our strategic petroleum reserve to some enemy countries, yet removed Trump’s oil sanctions on Iran giving them 100s of billions to fund the Hamas war against Israel. Putin saw their weakness and seized on the opportunity to attack Ukraine---now, a US taxpayer funded money pit. Biden, who Schweizer in Red Handed indicted took $25-$30 million from China, allowed them to fly a balloon near our military bases across the country, gathering critical information. Now, China has purchased land near these bases, in Cuba and Mexico and easily could fire a weapon over our atmosphere causing an electro-magnet impulse attack shutting down all electricity! Are you awake now and realize the danger they’ve done to our country?

But, do you know about Executive order 14067 where Democrats/Feds team to create a controllable, traceable, programmable digital currency replacing the dollar? This gives the government full control of your bank accounts and likely monitored by 87000 IRS agents. Fed Now launched July 20, 2023 claims it provides instant payment services, but financial advisers say Americans are in grave danger of losing financial freedoms! BRICS nations totally hold $9 trillion in US dollars---four ditched it, if others follow, the dollar could collapse! Top market investors are dumping stocks, while Kamala talks of raising taxes to 80% to give illegals $150000 to buy a home, child tax credits, more student loan forgiveness---vote buying schemes on the taxpayers!

Kamala’s rushing to give millions of illegals citizenship so they can vote in November. Dems talk of making Puerto Rico and DC states, to stack the Supreme Court, have an ethics code & term limits to eliminate conservative justices. Kamala wants a mandatory gun buy back program leaving you defenseless against an authoritarian government. She wants a Medicare for All which would be rationed and bankrupt our hospitals. Girls would continue to be harmed by males participating in their sports and  locker rooms. Teachers can change the gender of your child without your permission---time to “WAKE UP!”

Charlotte Schnieders         

Jefferson City