The speed limit must be followed by everyone, even the Sheriff


Dear Editor:

The other day I yelled at an Osage County Deputy Sheriff, in uniform, as he was driving his shiny Department pick-up truck east on Jefferson Street: “Slow down”.

He slammed on his brakes and backed up and asked, “What did you say?”

I responded by telling him that I said, “slow down, he was speeding”. To which he responded, “Your brain can better tell the speed I was driving then my speedometer?”

At that point his high intelligence shined through the fog in his brain when he continued and thereby, unwittingly, admitted that he was speeding, when he said, “my speedometer stated I was going 26 mph”.

“That’s right, Barney, your speedometer was telling you, you were speeding but you paid no attention to it, as the speed limit on Jefferson Street is 20 mph.”

Dieter F. Palmer, USN (Ret)