Letting the greatest generation down


If our parents were alive today, would they be angry that all the lives lost and soldiers permanently maimed to protect the world from a ruthless dictator---Hitler, has been in vain?  They lived through the depression and many wars, where military service was mandatory, so all families realized the price of freedom. So, how did our generation become so complacent, that work ethics, morals and values were lost?

Remember what George Soros told Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes?  He said he had the money and know how to economically destroy America. He had already done this to several countries. I feel his plan was to elect ruthless leaders that cared more about power and money then they did about citizens. They could establish sanctuary cities where criminals were protected from arrest. Get prosecutors and district attorneys (like Kamala) to free the convicted. Have policies that allowed businesses to be wiped clean of all their merchandise. Promote drug use, a lack of morals, the killing of fetuses, instead of the use of birth control to stop fertilization or adoption. Open the borders letting tens of millions of illegals/criminals/deadly drugs in that harm/kill people and put the bill on the taxpayers. Appoint radical teachers that remove reading, arithmetic, history & the Constitution for transgenderism and give them the right to change the sex of a child without parental permission. Allow boys to compete in girls’ sports, promote diversity, equity and inclusion, so less qualified people are given jobs putting patients, airline passengers in harms way, control and radicalize the press and bankrupt citizens who are expected to bear the cost!  ARE YOU AWAKE NOW? This is what the Democrat Party has done to our country.

This weekend, the second attempt was made on Trump’s life. Dems called him Hitler and blamed him for their failures. Kamala, their nominee lied and said the border was secure, that Biden was energetic, intelligent, yet spent 532 days on vacation and let dictators know his work days are 10:00AM to 4:00PM. China took the opportunity to buy land in Mexico, Cuba & the United States, so could kill electricity here with an electromagnet pulse attack. Then, the over 60000 Chinese allowed into our country could take control. Yet, the indoctrinated are clueless!

Trump said he would deport these criminals, fix inflation, crime and my guess eliminate Biden’s E.O. #14067 and #14024 to collapse the dollar for a digital currency the government controls. Yet, Dems talk of making DC & Puerto Rico states to stack the Supreme Court for authoritarian control. That was the whole purpose of Pelosi’s insurrection plan, so if Trump won the election, Democrats controlling the House, could remove him from office!  WAKE UP!

Charlotte Schnieders            

Jefferson City