Enough is enough


To the Editor:


America deserves better than the endless cycle of gun violence tearing our nation apart. On September 4th, 2024, another mass shooting claimed innocent lives. Families are shattered, and communities are devastated. Yet, some still refuse to face the harsh truth: we have a gun problem in this country, and it’s not going away on its own.

How can anyone deny this reality when children are being gunned down in schools? Uvalde, Parkland, Sandy Hook— these are not isolated incidents. These were preventable tragedies, yet they keep happening because we are not doing enough to stop them. It’s as if we’ve become numb to the death toll, while those in power hide behind rhetoric and deflection.

Donald Trump, for example, frequently speaks behind bulletproof glass, even after surviving an assassination attempt by a registered Republican. The irony is glaring. How can he claim America doesn’t have a gun problem when he himself has been a target of gun violence? If there’s no gun problem, why does he need such protection? Everyday Americans don’t have the privilege of bulletproof shields. They live with the constant fear of violence — in schools, malls, movie theaters, and even in their own homes.

The need for change is urgent, and it goes beyond political affiliations. To my Republican and Independent friends, I urge you to look beyond party lines and consider the future we want for our children. This is not just about politics; it’s about life and death. Our kids deserve better. We all deserve better. We can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to the crisis that continues to claim innocent lives across this country.

We don’t need radical measures, but we do need common-sense gun laws. These laws are not about stripping away the rights of responsible gun owners. They are about ensuring public safety. We need leaders with the courage to stand up to powerful gun lobbies, like the NRA, that have long placed profits over people’s lives. These organizations wield far too much influence, blocking meaningful reform that could save lives.

In this election, we have a chance to choose leaders who will prioritize the safety of our children and our communities. Kamala Harris is one such leader. She has consistently shown the courage to confront gun violence directly. She understands that common-sense gun reform is a necessary step toward building a safer future for all Americans. Harris is not afraid to challenge the status quo or stand up to the powerful interests that have stalled progress for far too long.

This election is about more than just party politics; it’s about choosing the future we want for ourselves and the next generation. It’s about electing leaders who will protect our families, our schools, and our communities. Kamala Harris is the leader we need right now. She’s committed to making our country safer through practical, common-sense reforms. The time for action is now. We cannot afford to sit idly by while more lives are lost. America deserves better. Our children deserve better. Let’s vote for the change we so desperately need. Vote for Kamala Harris. Vote for common-sense gun reform. Let’s finally put an end to the senseless violence that has plagued our nation for far too long.

Arlynn Jones
